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Advantages of working with Rhizopon Rooting Powders

Rhizopon rooting powders has been available and widely used since 1939, starting in the Netherlands. The science behind rooting powders is practical and still widely used by today’s growers. Rhizopon powders allow stronger rooting, which provides a better regulated growth environment.

Auxins are plant hormones that are naturally found in cuttings. They are responsible for promoting stem elongation, root tips and stems. Auxins play a significant and important role in a plant development cycle. These auxin work with proteins that are also naturally found in cuttings. The proteins act as a transport agent, and allows the auxin to move from one cell to another, significantly moving towards the bottom of the cutting. During this process, roots begin to form.

Without Rhizopon Rooting Powders, you run the risk of having uneven roots that are difficult to manage. Uneven rooting can produce weak plants, consequently costing growers a significant amount of labor and crop loss. Additionally, not using a rooting hormone may delay roots, or create no root at all! Rooting hormones, when used in cutting growth cycles, will naturally stimulate root growth and stunt any delays. Cuttings that use rooting hormones are found to have a stronger distribution of roots, which of course provides an optimal ecosystem for continued growth, sometimes beyond expectation. Rhizopon can also help repair a damaged root or produce new roots after transplanting. Plants typically go into shock when moved from beds into pots, and so it’s imperative that proper care be taken to allow these plants to take shape again, and encourage new growth.

Our Rhizopon dry powder rooting hormones come in 3 different color coded concentrations and are available for the broadest range of plant material.

  • Rhizopon® AA #1 is a pink powder used for easy to root plants including herbaceous and softwood cuttings.
  • Rhizopon® AA #2 green powder is an intermediate, all-purpose product used on easy to more difficult to root cuttings such as herbaceous, greenwood, softwood and hardwood cuttings.
  • Rhizopon® AA #3 is a white color powder used on more difficult to root hardwood and softwood cuttings.

Rhizopon is registered with the US EPA for use in greenhouses and nurseries. Our product has an approved label under WPS for zero-hour re-entry interval.

For additional information on the effectiveness of rooting hormone, please click here to see a rooting hormone study by Ball.

Why Phytotronics?

  • Phytotronics is the safer technology for the modern grower
  • Phytotronics products enhances your growing power and profitability
  • Solutions for a better harvest

For over 36 years Phytotronics has been an innovative manufacturer of precision equipment and supplies for the commercial greenhouse and nursery grower. Our Phytotronics line of mist controllers and related equipment, as well as the Rhizopon™ are used by professional plant propagators and growers across North America.